Saturday, November 26, 2011

Deciding to be Decisive.... Maybe....

J and I have this little problem called indecisiveness.
We have 234,546,134.8 great ideas for the wedding, and have made up our minds on approximately 4 of them.

Thankfully we picked up all of our centerpiece glassware last week from Dollar Tree and not a single vase was broken! We literally had the entire bed of the truck filled with boxes...

Just a reminder, something along these lines is what we have in mind:

Our vellum is colored, and we haven't quite decided on whether we will add some detailing to the paper or just leave them super simple... I promise we will post some pics once we've made up our mind!

Here are some sneak peaks of some ideas we have floating around our heads...
No promises any of them will actually stick though!

Comments? Ideas? Suggestions?
We would love to hear them!

- J & E -

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Can I take you picha?

#1 thing I regret with J and I... We NEVER take pictures.
Like EVER.

This became blatantly obvious when I was browsing his FB page the last night...
(OK, lets be honest, I was creeping on pictures of him while I was waiting for him to pick me up. So obsessed, right?) I realized that not only do we hardly ever take pictures together, but apparently one of my favorite things to do is post random pictures of myself on his wall when I'm bored...

Need proof?

This makes me more than a little worried about engagement pictures.
I think its pretty clear I have a problem with coming off as a little awkward in photos...

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Oh wedding planning...

We heard all sorts of horror stories and jokes about how hard/stressful planning our wedding was going to be. As if going to work and school, saving up as much money as we can, going to all sorts of classes to help us prepare for the wedding, searching for a home, and actually still having a life in between wasn't enough to keep us busy, now we had to add wedding planning to our schedules?!

We started looking into design ideas, details of how we want the day to go, and all the people we wanted to enjoy it with us and realized that everyone was

We have Loved every second of it so far!

Now thats not to say Jeffery and I don't have our differences. He Loves for things to look clean, symmetrical, and, when possible, have some sort of purpose. I, on the other hand, have no problem with randomly textured, sporadically placed, useless objects adorning a space. That is, as long as they look good!

So after a little hunting, this is our "Inspiration Picture"......

Clean lines on the table, with a little spunk up above. And of course all DIY....

We may or may not have already ordered the supplies for our centerpieces..........
Ok, we did!
Lets just say Jeffery has caught himself one thrifty bride!
210 centerpieces for under $375??
Now THATS how you plan a wedding!

Keep checking in for more details!
I'm sure we (I) won't be able to keep them to ourselves (myself)!

- J & E -